Sulfonic Acid Resin
The polymer-supported tolune sulfonic acid can be used an amine scavenger or to promote reactions requiring strong acid as a catalyst, such as selective monoprotection of several primary and secondary symmetrical diols to form the monotetrahydropyranyl ether and microwave-induced esterification using heterogeneous acid catalyst. Some metal ions, such as Yb3+, Hg2+ can also be supported on the resin to be used as metal catalysts.
Product Specification
Product # Cross Linker (DVB) Particle Size (mesh) Loading (mmol/g) 25g 100g 19031840 1% 30-70 1.0-3.0 $185 $485 19031841 1% 70-90 1.0-3.0 $185 $485 19031842 1% 100-200 1.0-3.0 $185 $485 19031843 1% 200-400 1.0-3.0 $185 $485